"You useless character! Nothing but a waste of ink!" He yelled I didn't know how it happened but I was on the floor crying in pain, ink was flowing from the cuts on my body.

He slapped me again, this time I didn't fall, I just stumbled back holding my cheek hoping that'll stop the stinging pain stop. "Cut!" He yelled once more and walked over to me. "Action!" I redid the scene until I forgot what I was supposed to say. "Sorry sir." I apologized getting back into place. Putting a hand on my cheek I saw Bendy crouch down next to me asking if I was okay. The force of the slap was so powerful I was knocked down onto the floor. I was wide eyed and I looked up at Bendy. All of a sudden I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and I realized he slapped me.

"What was that! Your performance was horrible! We didn't spend all that rehearsal yesterday for nothing, now because of you we're a day behind in productions! This animation doesn't make itself ya know!" He yelled walking up to me. "CUT!" We head the director yell and throw down a personal copy of the script. After his lines it was my turn again, in the middle of my lines I got some of my lines mixed up. He looked tired but he covered it up really well. I liked Bendy ever since we met each other. I was saying my lines trying so hard not to yawn. "Ready, set, action!" The director yelled. I stumbled to the stage looking like a mess. I was tired from the rehearsal yesterday and I was to tired to think properly, let alone to walk. Who could blame him, but I kept thinking of when he snapped and what happened to make him to. Maybe less? I don't remember much since Bendy went out of control. I remembered what happened that day, like it just happened yesterday. That's when things went out of controlled. We were hurt, used, under-appreciated, nothing but puppets for them to use. 30 years? Has it really been 30 years? It must be.